Unity High Five, Celebrating Our Trade Customers

The second long read in our series of blogs celebrating the people that have made Unity who we are today shines a light on some of our incredible trade customers who are so awesome at getting our beer into your hands.
By no means is this an exhaustive list of our customers and those I've missed out, it's not because we don't love and appreciate you, it's just that a blog can only be so long! This is a little shout out to those who have been the most supportive to use and helped shape who we are.
So let's get into it. First up has to be Overdraft Craft Beer & Taqueria. Their first site, situated in an old bank on Shirley High Street in Southampton (hence the name Overdraft) was the first place to pour our beers and where I worked for a short time whilst building our first brewery. They've been a huge support to us form day one and we even make their house beer - Stylus Golden Ale. The Shirley site (they have two, the other is in Winchester) also has a record store and they both play pretty much the best music in town. The tacos and other Mexican food is to die for and we're really excited that they will be serving it at our 5th Birthday Party! Overdraft Records will also have a pop-up record store and will be DJing.
Next up, Bitter Virtue! These guys are one of the first craft beer shops in the country and still have the most awesome selection. The owners Chris and Anne, who are local beer legends, are actually shareholders in Unity so we're obviously biased but whenever we need our Belgian or German beer fix, it's the first place we hit up.
Cloud Wine on Bedford Place in Southampton also deserve a big shout out and another place I once worked on the list. Southampton's quirky wine shop, with quirky staff, excellent music and the most random selection of drinks you'll ever find. Scratch under the surface though and you'll find some absolutely incredible wine and a superb local beer selection (including the biggest selection of Unity beer outside of our taproom!).
A list of excellent Southampton beer bars that have been a great support to us wouldn't be complete without The Butchers Hook. Southampton's original craft beer spot and the bar that started the craze for Micro-Pubs in Southampton. Always a brilliant selection, always a super welcoming atmosphere. Whilst we're on Micro-Pubs, The Bookshop Alehouse has to have a shout out. A proper local bar with honestly the best kept cask in the city and as you can imagine, lots of books.
Not strictly speaking in Southampton, though we do also supply their very nice B&B in Southampton (check out The Pig in The Wall) is The Pig in the New Forest. One of the best places to eat in Hampshire and with a kitchen garden to make any allotment owner weep, we started supplying these guys really early on and they haven't stopped cheerleading us since.
Lastly in Southampton before I give a shout out to those a little further afield is Bitterne Box Co. These guys do incredible veg boxes delivered to your door and now have a really wonderful shop in Bitterne Triangle. Since they started selling our beer, they have been one of our best customers and biggest supporters. Need great beer delivered with your veg? You know where to go.
Further west along the South Coast we have to show some love for The Butchers Dog (one in Wimborne and one in Poole). Laura and Dean are some of the most awesome people in the industry and faces you'll often see at the best beer festivals. I have to say, I think The Butchers Dog in Poole is the best craft beer bar on the South Coast.
A list of our most supportive customers has to include our amazing wholesale partners who deliver our beer to bars and shops all over the country. We work with a few but we have to shout out Pigs Ears and Jolly Good Beer especially. Always a consistently excellent selection, always showing us some love and always getting our beer out quick, fresh and in awesome condition.
Realising I could write a huge essay on our incredible customers, I'm gonna keep the rest short and sweet. Big shouts to our London fam Grace Land Bars (go check out The Axe, The Kings Arms and The Earl Of Essex amongst others), and Clapton Craft (brilliant bottle shops all over London). Recent besties Fuggles Beer Cafe and Dukes Halifax we have to thank for all the love they are showing us. Final local mentions have to include The Winchester General Store, Inn The Park, Tipsy Pig, Clockwork, Olafs Tun, Steam Town and The Dancing Man.
Next week I'll be writing about the Breweries around the country who have supported us, given us advice, mentored us, collaborated with and lent us ingredients when we've messed up our ordering!
High five!
Come and celebrate with us at the brewery on Saturday 16th of October, more details on the Facebook event HERE.
You can also keep an eye on (and use!) the hashtag #UnityHigh5 to see all the shenanigans we're getting up to in preparation for our birthday party.